Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Falling Back

So, falling back has thrown me into a bit of a funk. It gets dark SO early and it's SO cold! Other than adjusting to that, which seems to be a bit more difficult this year than any other (could being 8 months pregnant have something to do with it?), we're just plugging right along.

At this point in my pregnancy with Zay, his room was done and everything was just about ready for his arrival. Poor baby dos is getting the shaft because we barely even talk about names! I think he/she is paying me back by being SUPER active. Zay was active, but this child doesn't seem to stop moving...ever. I shouldn't complain about pregnancy at all because it has really been a breeze, but I will for just a moment. It is MUCH more difficult to grow a baby when I'm chasing around after a 30 pound ball of non-stop energy. I don't get to just stop and nap whenever I feel like it and my body is cursing me. As Josh keeps me reminding me, though: 6 WEEKS LEFT. Can't wait.

Zay has been attending the Ormewood School for about a month now and he's adjusting quite well. His teacher informed me that he appears to have a girlfriend. He rubs her head and they prefer to sit near each other. So cute. She's a cutie patootie. This morning he didn't even cry when I left so I guess he's enjoying his independent time. As am I. :)

Josh is gearing up for the end-of-year FitWit functions along with some various other business things. He turned 30 very gracefully and appears to be embracing his next decade.

As for any major news, it looks like we'll be proud owners of a minivan within the next few months. Yes, I plan to embrace my role as a soccer mom.

That's it for now!