Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Scoop

Alrighty...I have been inspired by a friend (who has a very cute blog about her family happenings) to get going with the blog again.

After MONTHS of setbacks, it looks like we're moving into the new digs next weekend. Hopefully. For now, there's not much curb appeal, and we do have plans for a porch and some front yard beautification, but that's all on hold until we stop bleeding money. The floors have been stained and appliances are scheduled for delivery this weekend. Looking back, I wish I would have blogged regularly about our renovation journey because it's been such an emotional roller coaster that I'm certain we'll forget just how crazy it got at times. I do plan, however, to take a photo of our current room in my mom's house to remind us of just how nuts it all is. There are four of us (Josh, Me, Zay and Tyler) in one room - that's a king sized bed, a toddler bed and a pack & play along with a dresser and two night tables. The pack & play blocks the closet doors so we try not to have to go in the closet very often, which explains why you've seen us in the same outfits for the last several weeks! At 5:10 am, Josh reaches over me to turn off his alarm. He slinks off the one corner of the bed where there isn't a child's bed touching it and silently maneuvers through the dark to get ready for work. Cam gets her own room because she's an awesome sleeper and I'm just not messing with that.

During these last few weeks, the pressure has certainly been mounting. There have been lots of last minute decisions to make, budget crises and just plain nonsense with our general contractor. I find myself having all kinds of anxiety about how much we've totally wrecked my mom's house and how we're going to handle moving into a new house (changing the kids' environments, moving all the stuff, etc.). It seems that my tension has definitely rubbed off on the kids who act as if the walls are literally closing in on them. Poor kiddos just need a yard to run in! What I've been terrible about is counting my blessings. We are incredibly blessed to even have this opportunity. Not only are we able to pretty much custom build a house, but we've had a warm, welcoming house to stay in while we're doing it. I'm going to make a concerted effort to be much more grateful during these last few weeks in our temporary residence. ;)

As for the kids, it's always a three-ring circus. Zay is currently obsessed with identifying car emblems, and he actually knows quite a few of them. Walking through a parking lot is pretty entertaining as he points out Cadillac, Audi, Mercedes, Ford, Toyota, Honda, etc. He knows Ferrari pretty well, but we don't see many of those! He is equally obsessed with Lady Gaga and sings Paparazzi ALL day. He has some other favorite top 40 hits as well: Carryout (Timbaland), Hey Soul Sister (Train) and Your Love is my Drug (Kesha). Pretty entertaining.

Cam is super fiesty. In fact, she just deleted half of this post. Sheesh. She loves to play ball and with Zay's cars, but she also loves her accessories. She prefers to be wearing a hat, sunglasses, book bag, pretty shoes, etc. She's very cute and is learning more and more words every day; although, her own toddler language is pretty funny. Zay calls her Turkey Shadow (no idea), and we've decided that it fits her well. :)

Tyler is getting bigger and fatter everyday. He smiles a lot and is a pretty decent sleeper, although I wouldn't hate it if he slept through the night! From what I can tell, he's going to be my more calm child. We'll see!

That's it for now. We'll see if I can actually keep up this time. :)