Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Changing Seasons

When I first began this blog, my intention was to create something that would update the friends and family that we don't get to talk to very often. However, I'm recently finding that I want it to be something different. Rather than a quick run-down of what the kids are up to, I'm wanting to jot down things that I would love to have burned in my memory. Since I don't think anyone actually reads the blog, I think I will take it in the direction of almost a diary or journal - somewhere I can quickly capture the random things that happen in a day - the things that make this crazy journey of parenthood so amazing.

There are times (and often, full days) when I feel like a complete parenting failure that could for sure be on the next episode of Super Nanny, but fortunately, there are times when I couldn't be having any more fun. I think most parents would agree that the amazing parts of raising children can't be summed up in a generic paragraph because it's the little things they do and say that make it so wondrous. I know not everyone out there wants to read about every time Tyler cracks a smile or that Zay peed all over the floor and wall yesterday, but these are the things I want to remember. I'm pretty confident that Josh and I do a pretty good job of recognizing the "small things" on a daily basis. We talk about them and laugh and cry about them, knowing that all too soon they'll be gone. Sometimes one day with three children ages 3, 21 months and 6 months can seem like an eternity, but I cannot seem to comprehend how quickly three years have gone by. My very first baby spelled his named (well, he spelled "Zay," not "Isaiah") last night. He is fascinated with the change of seasons and super excited that the trees will soon be naked! My baby girl busted out her "abcs" and "happy birthday" all by herself a few days ago. My brand new baby boy is sitting up all by himself. I very vividly remember the days these kids were born and I cannot believe where we are now.

So, I think I'll be posting more often, but the posts will probably be mundane and maybe meaningless to anyone but Josh, but they'll capture my life more accurately. Ultimately, I have to capture these memories somehow and this is the best way I can think of for now. :) If you actually read this blog, consider yourself warned!

Thursday, September 16, 2010


It finally feels like we're settling in, and activities are in full swing. Two weeks ago, Isaiah began his soccer journey; although, I'm not quite sure just how long the journey will be. Zay seemed to be more interested in telling the coach that someone else had the ball than he was in actually trying to get the ball himself. He made a few field-length runs with the herd of other three-year-olds, but I'm not entirely sure he knew why he was running. He had a lot of fun, and so did we. His Gran came to see his last practice/game, and that made for a very happy boy. :)

Last week, Zay began the Baby Steps dance class at Moving In the Spirit, which is an AWESOME dance company that teaches children about self confidence, expression, leadership and movement. The parents were able to stay for the first class, and it was incredible. The teachers (Ms. Sharon and Ms. Lily) are awesome, and the program is exactly what Zay needs at the exact right time. We've recently found it difficult to get Zay to follow physical instructions because he just doesn't seem to know what to do with his body. He also LOVES to dance so this is the perfect outlet. As you can see from the video, the boy can't stop moving. He immediately asked when he could come back to dance class so it's a success. This program lasts throughout the entire school year, and the whole company performs a big show at the Rialto, which is sure to be fantastic.

Camilla has been talking up a storm lately, and killing us with her simultaneous cuteness and craziness. She has a shrill scream that can be terrifying, but she's super cute when she starts putting words together. She participated in her first 5K last Saturday when Josh ran with the stroller at the East Atlanta Strut 5K. Josh said she didn't crack a smile the entire time, but she told me she had fun going fast. Her newest word is "delicious," and it's pretty cute.

Tyler is doing really well, too. He's almost sitting up by himself, and I think he would be by now if we would practice with him a bit more. Poor third child. He's eating solids and trying out sippy cups. He's mostly an easy baby, but he's been teething for the past week so he's been a bit grumpier than usual. Fortunately, he's sleeping almost all the way through the night. :)

I think that catches us up a little bit! Oh - and Zay's music picks for the week are: Drake's "Forever" and Enrique Iglesias' "Baby, I like it."
