Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Falling Back

So, falling back has thrown me into a bit of a funk. It gets dark SO early and it's SO cold! Other than adjusting to that, which seems to be a bit more difficult this year than any other (could being 8 months pregnant have something to do with it?), we're just plugging right along.

At this point in my pregnancy with Zay, his room was done and everything was just about ready for his arrival. Poor baby dos is getting the shaft because we barely even talk about names! I think he/she is paying me back by being SUPER active. Zay was active, but this child doesn't seem to stop moving...ever. I shouldn't complain about pregnancy at all because it has really been a breeze, but I will for just a moment. It is MUCH more difficult to grow a baby when I'm chasing around after a 30 pound ball of non-stop energy. I don't get to just stop and nap whenever I feel like it and my body is cursing me. As Josh keeps me reminding me, though: 6 WEEKS LEFT. Can't wait.

Zay has been attending the Ormewood School for about a month now and he's adjusting quite well. His teacher informed me that he appears to have a girlfriend. He rubs her head and they prefer to sit near each other. So cute. She's a cutie patootie. This morning he didn't even cry when I left so I guess he's enjoying his independent time. As am I. :)

Josh is gearing up for the end-of-year FitWit functions along with some various other business things. He turned 30 very gracefully and appears to be embracing his next decade.

As for any major news, it looks like we'll be proud owners of a minivan within the next few months. Yes, I plan to embrace my role as a soccer mom.

That's it for now!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Busy Month

Whew - October has been busy! Let's the beginning of the month, FitWit sponsored the Oakhurst Arts Festival 5K in which Josh and Jill both won their age groups. I hoofed along with baby in utero and Zay in the stroller. Obviously, we didn't win anything, but it was fun. On the 12th we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with some friends. There are never too many occasions for turkey, stuffing, etc. Yum. Zay started preschool on the 15th. I had some reservations sending him to spend four hours with someone else twice/week, but I think it's best for all parties. He needs to socialize with other people his size and I need a few hours to myself. It's only been one week, and he's not too crazy about the idea, but it's been fun for us. He's brought home his first piece of artwork (a skillfully hand painted abstract) and walked in a Halloween Parade of costumes. It's just too cute. However, I'm wondering if I'll have to hold back tears every time I drop him off at school from now until he graduates.

The Guerrieri Grandparents were town for a while and it was fun that they got to spend time with Zay. They also got to attend the first FitWit Foundation Fundraiser. I think they had a good time. Ben, Jill, Rachel, Mom, Josh and I participated in our THIRD annual pumpkin decorating contest. Jill took home first place honors while we all got awards in other areas. We're such nerds. But it's fun. I had what should be my last ultrasound and the baby is growing beautifully. The doctor did note "big head" on the chart so it looks like the tradition will continue. :)

In FitWit news, is doing a story on the foundation. They were already out to check out the FitTeens program at Jackson H.S. We'll also be on an online radio show tonight to discuss the foundation. We've got trick-or-treating Friday evening and a Halloween party Saturday night. So, we've been busy! A new FitWit camp starts next week and someone turns 3-0 on the 6th. :)

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I wish I could say that I'm the kind of parent that provides constant entertainment for my child so there's just no need for the TV or videos. I cannot say that. At all. In fact, I'm celebrating because Zay appears to be at an age (FINALLY) at which he'll watch parts of a video long enough for me to make dinner or unload the dishwasher. Yay!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Mid-October Update

I really have to be better about keeping up with the posts! Things are busy. We had to start sleep training ALL OVER AGAIN since Zay escaped from his crib labor day weekend. We had been afraid to let him "cry it out" because we thought he'd make a break for it again. This resulted in him waking up 2 - 3 times/night. Just like the good old days. With a baby on the way, this really wasn't acceptable (is it ever?!). So, we had a night or two of marathon crying sessions, he seems to have accepted that he's going to have to get himself back to sleep. So, he's had two solid nights of sleeping "through the night" (8:30 - 6 or 6). If only I didn't have to pee every hour, I could enjoy the peace!

What else is going on? The Guerrieri Grandparents are coming to visit on Wednesday so we're looking forward to that. I must be nesting because I've become obsessed with cleaning/organizing the entire house. How does one accomplish that with a toddler? Suggestions are welcome. ;)

Zay is going to be a big, fat bumblebee for Halloween and I can't wait. We're having our annual family pumpkin carving contest on 10/26 so I'll post the pics of all category winners (and probably losers).

This latest pic is Zay in his new bath robe. He looks absolutely ridiculous in it.

Till next time (which I hope will be soon!)...


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Cabinet

So, Zay has a cabinet near the front door that is all his own. We keep his shoes in there so he knows where to find them and he has started getting them and putting them away by himself. Throughout the day, however, Zay enjoys putting lots of different things in his cabinet. Here is a picture of today's collection. Yes, that is a banana peel.

Friday, September 26, 2008

I Like to Move it!


As September winds up, we're looking at a pretty busy fall season full of festivals, visits from family and getting ready for baby #2.

Josh just ended week #2 of this camp, and it's going strong. Zay is more active than ever and LOVES to walk outside. He says "buh buh" (bye bye), "uh" (up) and "ou" (out) pretty frequently.

That's about all there is to report right now. Check out the latest slide show!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Um, catching up.

So, we haven't been as regular about this as we initially intended. Actually, I've been waiting for Josh to post and he hasn't so...

In the past month, we've been busy with lots of different things. Zay is now a full-time walker, which keeps us entertained and on our toes. He LOVES dancing and can't help himself when he hears a good beat. He also really enjoys clapping, especially for himself. He isn't talking in a language we understand yet, but he tries new sounds and it sounds like he says "mama" when he's wailing away wanting to be picked up. He's an awesome little boy and he makes me laugh everyday. It's often a very tired laugh, but it's priceless.

This is the last week of a 6-week fitness camp, and I think everyone is ready for the break. Lots of FitWit folks ran/walked the Summer Shade 5K last weekend in honor of the FitWit Foundation so it was cool to see the turn-out. A new FitTeens (free program for teens at the local high school) begins Monday, and the program keeps getting better.

Josh, Zay and I are going to Cincinnati and Columbus for an extended weekend to see some good friends and some of Josh's family. I'm not looking forward to the long car ride with a very mobile toddler, but hopefully we'll make it without too much incident!

Oh - and we're going to be on HGTV's Deserving Design with Vern Yip this Saturday (9/6) at 8:30 pm. The focus is the foundation so we're excited to get the info out there. Unfortunately, we were made to do some pretty cheesy stuff, but it's all in the name of the kids! :)

Until next time...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Friday, July 18, 2008

First Post

Welcome to our blog! This is where we'll post our family goings-on so friends and family can keep up with us. If nothing else, maybe we'll provide a few minutes of distraction from work. :) I think Josh and I will take turns writing so we can offer a balanced perspective!

Life is moving right along here in Atlanta. For those who don't know, I have retired from teaching to be a full-time mom so I'm enjoying the "I don't have to go back to school in 2 weeks!" feeling right about now. However, staying at home is much more difficult than I could have anticipated, and far more challenging than any job I've had outside of home. I didn't think anything could be harder than teaching, but lo and behold, it is called "motherhood." While I wouldn't say each week gets easier, I do find it to be kind of like a job that you're just starting: you gain more confidence and learn the ropes as you go.

Zay turned one on July 11th and he's quite a big boy these days. He took his first step on his birthday, but has been hesitant to start the train moving in full gear. This is fine with me because I think he's going to take off into a dead sprint and I'll be running after him for the next 18 years. He's into absolutely everything, and he LOVES to dance. He just can't help himself. His favorite music appears to be Bob Marley and Dave Matthews. Not AT ALL influenced by his parents. :) As for talking, Zay has really passionate conversations with Bo on a daily basis, but he's waiting to translate into English for the time being. He says something that sounds like "dog," and he was saying "hey-yo" when the phone rang, but he's ceased. It's hilarious to hear him trying out all of his different sounds, though.

I am 16 weeks pregnant - due January 1st. We're not going to find out the gender of the baby because we love life's wonderful surprises. We're also not going to share the names we pick out because chances are pretty good that one of our dear friends/family members will completely ruin whatever we choose with some horrible story of "Oh, I knew a NAME. Terrible person. Ewh." So, we'll all find out together around the holidays!

I'll let Josh write about FitWit as I just hang around the office and hear random things. The foundation is off to a good start, though, and we are all excited about it!

Is that enough for a first post? It seems rather long. There's just so much back story.

:) Erin