Monday, January 11, 2010

Another try

Here I go again...we'll see if I can actually keep up with the blog. There's just so much going on that the only way to keep multiple people updated on the multiple goings on seems to be the blog! QUICK recap:

We sold our house in Ormewood Park (in August) and are living with my mom in East Lake while the house we bought in Oakhurst is being renovated. Feeling a lot of frustration because we closed on the house in late November and it's still sitting there in the same state. There was (and probably still it) a lot of permit stuff, but now it just seems to be that our contractor is a slacker. We'll see. Tomorrow is supposed to be the FINAL date for demo to start. Should it actually happen, I think I will have some wine to celebrate. ;)

FitWit is fine. The end of year banquet kept us busy, and it was a lot of fun.

Isaiah is embracing the age of 2 1/2 with all of his huge self. It is a seriously challenging age as he becomes smarter and more manipulative, but it's also super fun. He says the craziest things and has a memory like a steel trap. He's getting much better at sharing with his little sister and is very sweet to the baby growing in mama's belly.

Camilla is just getting over two weeks of being super sick, and she's back to her old self: laughing and silly. She's a really happy little girl and is taking the world by storm, it seems. She's walking and babbling and making it known to her brother that she's not a pushover. It's very fun.

Baby #3 is growing rapidly, and we're really excited to meet him/her in mid-March! We're starting to get serious about picking names, but this one is harder than the first two. Hmmmm.

That's the very quick recap to get me back on track.

:) Erin