Thursday, September 4, 2008

Um, catching up.

So, we haven't been as regular about this as we initially intended. Actually, I've been waiting for Josh to post and he hasn't so...

In the past month, we've been busy with lots of different things. Zay is now a full-time walker, which keeps us entertained and on our toes. He LOVES dancing and can't help himself when he hears a good beat. He also really enjoys clapping, especially for himself. He isn't talking in a language we understand yet, but he tries new sounds and it sounds like he says "mama" when he's wailing away wanting to be picked up. He's an awesome little boy and he makes me laugh everyday. It's often a very tired laugh, but it's priceless.

This is the last week of a 6-week fitness camp, and I think everyone is ready for the break. Lots of FitWit folks ran/walked the Summer Shade 5K last weekend in honor of the FitWit Foundation so it was cool to see the turn-out. A new FitTeens (free program for teens at the local high school) begins Monday, and the program keeps getting better.

Josh, Zay and I are going to Cincinnati and Columbus for an extended weekend to see some good friends and some of Josh's family. I'm not looking forward to the long car ride with a very mobile toddler, but hopefully we'll make it without too much incident!

Oh - and we're going to be on HGTV's Deserving Design with Vern Yip this Saturday (9/6) at 8:30 pm. The focus is the foundation so we're excited to get the info out there. Unfortunately, we were made to do some pretty cheesy stuff, but it's all in the name of the kids! :)

Until next time...

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