Monday, November 15, 2010

Welcome, Rain.

Today is very gray and rainy. And that makes me happy. For the first time in a LONG time, I don't have anywhere to go. Josh took the kids to school and has gone to work at the "FitWit Factory" and I've been stuck in the house all morning...thank goodness. Gone are the days when I could put on a movie, take a nap or read a book, though. I'm
"enjoying" this rainy day by planning the FitWit Banquet (and hoping it rakes in the cash for the Foundation), doing mass loads of laundry (and hoping it gets folded), cleaning the house (when aren't I?) and hanging out with my bear. A few little nuggets of thankfulness:

* This morning, Tyler's morning rooster routine woke Zay up about an hour early (this is not the part I'm thankful for), and he came into my room for a snuggle. Because of the rain and because the boy has been under the weather...and because he's growing up too fast, I caved and let him in. Even though it was only 10 minutes of quality snuggle time, I loved it.
* Camilla spent about 90 minutes of last night coughing and while I was trying to soothe her (which she just won't have unless it's her idea), she made me giggle a lot. Her pathetic, raspy-voiced and half-delusional 1 am self requested all kinds of things from a cuddle with her bath towel to me changing her diaper to ice in her water. While there are some other things I can think I'd rather be doing at 1am (sleep, for example), I know the days when she is small and sweet and hold-able are numbered. She declares that camels and yaks in the animal book are alligators and nearly everything is the color green. I love this girl.
* My little bear is crawling and laughing quite a lot these days. While his recent sleep switcharoo has me turned around a bit, the smile he gives me when I appear in his doorway is one that I hope is burned in my brain forever. He has the biggest smile I've ever seen and it's priceless to see that my simple appearance gives him such joy. While I don't get too much in the way of house work, etc. accomplished these days, that smile somehow makes it okay.

Off to fold mountains of laundry and await the return of my babies from school.

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