Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Busy Month

Whew - October has been busy! Let's the beginning of the month, FitWit sponsored the Oakhurst Arts Festival 5K in which Josh and Jill both won their age groups. I hoofed along with baby in utero and Zay in the stroller. Obviously, we didn't win anything, but it was fun. On the 12th we celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving with some friends. There are never too many occasions for turkey, stuffing, etc. Yum. Zay started preschool on the 15th. I had some reservations sending him to spend four hours with someone else twice/week, but I think it's best for all parties. He needs to socialize with other people his size and I need a few hours to myself. It's only been one week, and he's not too crazy about the idea, but it's been fun for us. He's brought home his first piece of artwork (a skillfully hand painted abstract) and walked in a Halloween Parade of costumes. It's just too cute. However, I'm wondering if I'll have to hold back tears every time I drop him off at school from now until he graduates.

The Guerrieri Grandparents were town for a while and it was fun that they got to spend time with Zay. They also got to attend the first FitWit Foundation Fundraiser. I think they had a good time. Ben, Jill, Rachel, Mom, Josh and I participated in our THIRD annual pumpkin decorating contest. Jill took home first place honors while we all got awards in other areas. We're such nerds. But it's fun. I had what should be my last ultrasound and the baby is growing beautifully. The doctor did note "big head" on the chart so it looks like the tradition will continue. :)

In FitWit news, is doing a story on the foundation. They were already out to check out the FitTeens program at Jackson H.S. We'll also be on an online radio show tonight to discuss the foundation. We've got trick-or-treating Friday evening and a Halloween party Saturday night. So, we've been busy! A new FitWit camp starts next week and someone turns 3-0 on the 6th. :)

Happy Halloween!

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