Thursday, July 1, 2010

A Hobby

I think I may have finally found a hobby! I've never really had one before (I would still like to learn to play the guitar), and I've always felt kind of lame because I don't have an official hobby. My new hobby is finding signs that have punctuation and grammar errors. While it will probably get me into a car accident as I crane my neck to look for errors, it seems to be something that I'm fairly good at, and I really enjoy doing it so I think that qualifies it as a hobby. I do realize that there are lots of blogs already devoted to this "hobby" so I'm not pretending that it's something new, but it's just really fun. I'm trying to be better about snapping pics of the great signs I see so I can create my own coffee table book, but I've missed some valuable pieces. Some of my favorites include "No Contrack" at a cell phone store on Moreland and "6 Pack of Sweat Water" (rather than Sweet Water) at a package store on Moreland. Coincidence that these were both on Moreland? I think not. Anyway, I found my most recent favorite while perusing a Rooms to Go outlet store. The sign was taped to a large box wrapped in synthetic leather. I have no idea what this piece of furniture is, but apparently I'm not not first to wonder. Can you ever have enough punctuation?

Quick house update - If you're planning to renovate and/or build a house, I have some advice for you: do not, at any point, think that you're actually "on schedule." You're not. Ever. You will not move in when you expect to - or even within a few weeks of that. It's a huge bummer and it's an emotional roller coaster. Just pretend you don't have a new house to move into and you'll be pleasantly surprised when you do get to move in. :) Needless to say, we've run into a few more delays (I mean, really. Who NEEDS a gas line?!), and now we're aiming for next weekend. Here's hoping Zay can turn three in our new digs. The house does look fantastic, though, and we're just really excited.


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